Paul’s letter to the Galatians is considered by many biblical scholars and theologians to be the “Magna Charter of Spiritual Emancipation”, particularly by those who participated in the Protestant Reformation. Throughout the course of history, the “epistle” (formal letter) to the Galatians has played a key role in reforming, renewing, and restoring the Church even at times when it had lost its perspective of Christ’s redemption from the curse of the Law and had fallen back into the bondage of serving God through a religious system of rules and regulations.

- Profesor: Agapito Avila
In this course, we will explore the last three chapters of the letter to the Galatians. In this chapters Paul further explains that to go back to the law would be considered a demotion, regression, not progression, to go back to slavery and forfeit their rights and privileges as sons; to be ruled by the natural and material realm and its traditions and not by the Spirit’s new life which is limitless.

- Profesor: Agapito Avila
Romans is considered by many as the single most important document in the New Testament because it provides the most comprehensive and systematic exposition of the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

- Profesor: Agapito Avila
In this section of the course of Romans we will consider chapters 9-12

- Profesor: Agapito Avila
Ruling our being properly and with constant discipline is the key to a fruitful life. The gap between knowledge and practice of what we know is closed through the proper management of our being.

- Profesor: Agapito Avila